The Sims and The Sims 2 Legacy: Check Out Functional Codes

Who has never used Klapaucius in The Sims, cast the first stone. Or how about the famous Motherlode or Rosebud? The series is so closely tied to secret cheat codes that it has become ingrained in popular imagination. And with the re-release of The Sims and The Sims 2 in the Legacy collection, one question remains: do the old codes still work?
And that’s exactly what we’ve done in this list! If you’re excited to revisit the classic games in the franchise with the recent re-release but also want to take advantage of cheats and codes, we’ve got you covered. Below, you’ll find all the functional codes and their purposes in both games. Check them out!
All The Sims 1 Cheat Codes
As you might expect from this list, not all of the classic cheat codes from The Sims 1 are functional anymore. However, the ones listed below should still be enough for some fun, letting you get extra money, change the time of day, and more. Check them out:
- *Money cheat (1,000 simoleons): rosebub
- *Money cheat (5,000 simoleons): rosebud;!;!;!;!;!
- *Money cheat (10,000 simoleons): rosebud;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!
- Change the time of day: set_hour 1-24 (choose a number for the hour)
- **Remove Sim autonomy (only acts on command): autonomy 1
- **Full Sim autonomy (always acts on the highest need): autonomy 100
- ***Sim walks very slowly: sim_speed 1
- ***Sim walks at normal speed: sim_speed 800
- ***Sim walks very fast: sim_speed 1000
- Show Sim’s interests: interests
- Move any object: move_objects on (only in Object or Buy mode)
*Each ;! in the text adds 1,000 simoleons
**You can change the Sim’s autonomy to other values (from 1 to 100)
***You can change the Sim’s speed to other values (from 1 to 1,000)
All The Sims 2 Cheat Codes
Similar to the first The Sims, The Sims 2 also has a limited list of functional cheats at the moment, but they are categorized differently. Check out all the cheats below:
Cheats for all modes
- Money cheat (1,000 simoleons): kaching
- Money cheat (50,000 simoleons): motherlode
- Add shadows to objects inside the house: boolprop guob true
- List all The Sims 2 cheat codes: help (note that not all listed codes work)
- Expand the cheat console: expand
- Exit the cheat console: exit
Live Mode Cheats
- Fulfill all residents’ needs: maxmotives
- Prevent needs bars from decaying: motivedecay off
- Remove thought bubbles: showheadlines off
- Unlock career rewards for the selected Sim: unlockcareerrewards
- Add an NPC (selected) from the neighborhood to your household: addneighbortofamilycheat on
- Change your Sim’s age: agesimscheat on
- Change your Sim’s Aspiration level: aspirationlevel 0-5 (choose between 0 and 5)
- Give Aspiration points to your Sim: aspirationpoints number
- Make the insects in jars immortal: bugjartimedecay off
- Add permanent light to objects: boolprop allobjectlights on true
Neighborhood Cheats
- Change the detail level of cars: boolprop carscompact true (only in the neighborhood camera)
- Change the lot classification (Low, Medium, or High): changelotclassification
- *Change the zoning of the lot: changelotzoning zonename
- Change the lot classification: clearlotclassvalue
- Allow terrain adjustments in the neighborhood: modifyneighborhoodterrain on
- **Change the terrain type: terraintype
- *The options are: residential / community / greek / dorm / secretsociety / secretvacationlot / hotel / secrethobbylot / apartmentbase / apartmentsublot / secretwitchlot
**The options are: desert / temperate / dirt / concrete
Buy/Build Mode Cheats
- Move any object: moveobjects on
- Show item packages: boolprop showcatalogueflags
- Move objects off the grid: boolprop snapobjectstogrid false
- Delete all Sims in the neighborhood: deleteallcharacters
- Delete all awnings on the lot: deleteallawnings
- Delete all fences on the lot: deleteallfences
- Delete all half-walls on the lot: deleteallhalfwalls
- Delete all walls on the lot: deleteallwalls
- Delete all stairs, windows, and doors: deleteallobjects stairs / windows / doors (choose one of the 3 options)
- Change the angle of a roof: individualroofslopeangle 15-75 (choose a value between 15 and 75)
- Change the angle of all roofs on the lot: roofslopeangle 15-27 (choose a value between 15 and 27)
In addition to all the cheat codes for The Sims 2, there is a special menu you can enable to test some of them. If you type “boolprop testingcheatsenabled true,” a special menu will open for each Sim when you click Shift.
So, are you going to play with all the cheat codes active in The Sims? Did you miss any old codes that don’t work in The Sims Legacy? Leave your comment below!