Need for Speed Underground 2 Remake: The Demo is Now Available for Download

Need for Speed Underground 2 Remake: Demo Now Available
Released in 2004, Need for Speed Underground 2 has remained a beloved classic among fans for over 20 years. Now, a remake of the iconic game, built using Unreal Engine 5, is available for testing.
The team behind the project, 2Unreal5Underground, released the first demo version of the Need for Speed Underground 2 remake at the end of December. The demo is available for free via their Discord server.
Demo Features and Future Plans for Need for Speed Underground 2 Remake
The demo version allows players to freely drive cars around the map and even customize certain elements, though the hydraulic system remains off-limits. However, this version does not include races or other events for now.
Remake Aims to Include Multiplayer Mode
According to the developers on Discord, the project aims to add a campaign mode and even a multiplayer mode, though it will lack LAN support, which was present in the original game.
Unfortunately, there is no release date yet for the full version of the Need for Speed Underground 2 remake in Unreal Engine 5. The project was first revealed to the public back in 2022.